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All software, Android


LINE PLAY - Our Avatar World

Create your own avatar & meet new friends on line play.

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Voice Remote Samsung Smart TV - BETA

This is not a official Samsung product This apps lets you to perform basic TV remote operations by voice commands.


Halloween Slots 30 Linhas Multi Jogos

Este jogo e totalmente Gratuito e nao envolve nenhum tipo de aposta em dinheiro.



Metro Brazil is the worlds first Brazilian online fashion destination.


Text Fairy (OCR Text Scanner)

Convert your phone into a mobile text scanner.

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cStock Kenya

The cStock approach is not just about technology; it is a supply chain strengthening approach for community health programs.


Free VPN by Privatix

Privatix allows you to access any blocked website or content, social network and online services.

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Calendario 2020 Argentina

Creamos un calendario con los das festivos, feriados y no laborales de la Repblica Argentine en el perodo, con sus respectivos nmero de semana...


Toolbox Talks Safety Briefings

Discover, discuss, and document over 100 Toolbox Talks. This app makes it simple to find safety talks for both construction and marine industries.


HonView Touch

Honeywell remote access software for Recorders...

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North Syracuse Police Department

Welcome to the Android app for the North Syracuse Police Department.



Instant answers to all your questions on one Yandex app screen - weather forecast, current traffic, breaking news, currency exchange rates, TV...

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