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Browsers & Sub Categories


Chrome for Android

Browse and bring your personalized Chrome experience with you anywhere you go.

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Dolphin Browser Express

Browse the Internet and get real-time local news and weather info just in localized homepage.

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UC Browser for Android

Navigate the web with fast and free full-featured browser for Android.

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SPIN Safe Browser

Block pornography, inappropriate content, and keep Bing, Google, Yahoo searches safe.

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Baidu Browser

Navigate the Internet with fast and secure browser.


Win8 Browser

Add a Windows 8 browser skin to your android device.


Free Direct Download Manager

Surf the Web with browser with built-in download management and media player.


Baidu Browser

Browse the web with comfort.



Enjoy a smarter, richer, and interactive Android mobile Web experience.


Hocki Browser

Browse the web on your Android device.


Subhash Browser & Feed Reader

Navigate the Internet, aggregate and access RSS feeds and podcasts.


Opera Mini

Browse the Web with your Android smartphone.

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