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Communications & Sub Categories


Free SMS

Write SMS messages ultra fast..


Insta for Messenger

Share Photos and Videos from Instagram directly to Facebook Messenger


Telegram (S Edition)

Telegram is the world's newest messaging app similar to IM apps like WhatsApp, but better in every detail.Telegram is ultrafast, simple, secure and...


CallsApp - International Calls

CallsApp: Cheap International Calls saves you a fortune on your phone bill



Get the #1 app for sending + receiving text messages (SMS) from your computer!


Mocha VNC Lite

Connect to a PC or Mac and see the desktop, use the mouse and keyboard.


HeyWire - Free Texting

HEYWIRE SOCIAL MESSAGING HUB!Free Texting (Real SMS), Twitter & Facebook Chat


hello sms

Replace your default SMS app and enable tabbed texting


Sex Tips

Sex Tips app contain some Sex facts that may be you don't aware with that.


Wifi Password Hacker

This is a network security tool to find vulnerabilities in your network. Wifi password breaker will tell you which Wifi nearby are easy to break...

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Tether to Windows, Mac OS X, Ubuntu, ps3, wii, xbox. No root. No tether fees.

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Spartan Browser

"Best Browser of 2015""Fast Ever Browsing Speed"