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Educational Software & Sub Categories


English to Hindi converter

Translate words or phrases from English into Hindi.

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Swedish to English Dictionary

Translate words from Swedish to English easily.


English to Portuguese Dictionary

Translate from English to Portuguese without Internet connection.


Drops: Learn 32 new languages

Learn to speak up to 32 foreign languages in an effortless & visual way for free.

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Hindi English Translator

Translate text, words and sentences from English to Hindi and vice versa.

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French English Translator

Translate text, words and sentences from English to French and vice versa.

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Talk Romanian

Learn the most common and widely used Romanian phrases.

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Offline Dictionary

Translate English words to German, Dutch, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish without Internet.


English to Esperanto Dictionary

Look up Esperanto words in English easily.


Listen And Speak

Speak the foreign language like a native.


Zanzibar's Birthday

Laugh with funny family storybook for learning to read English.


Alternate Dictionary

Create dictionary for abbreviations or foreign words.