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MultiCraft II Free Miner!

MultiCraft II Adventures await you! Build and Mine, Craft and Survive. 12+


Hunting Action Game

Get your rifle ready, take the challenge to kill big animals


Ben games 10

Play all the day with Ben games 10 in all the lands!


PK - The Game

Play the Official Game of PK The Movie and run as Aamir Khan & Anushka Sharma.


Beauty Idol for Kakao

Shine bright in the fashion world of Beauty Idol!

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Five Nights at Freddys Scared

Five Nights at Freddys Scared


Tour Myriad Mobile

Get an in-depth look at Myriad's history through this interactive tour app.

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Ass Hunter

Popular game hunting on gays


Go Nawaz Go (Rush)

Imran Khan wants Nawaz to resign so help PM in Running from Angry Imran Khan.

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Apolu RPG

Find the crystals and buy keys to open the gates!


Five Nights at Freddy's

Can you survive five nights at Freddy's?

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Dinosaur HD

Monster dinos assail you! Can you save yourself from their teeth and claws?

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