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Racing Collision

Purpose: Clear obstacles on the runway...


Racing Minion Car

Get on your minion car and hit the trails in this amazing minion racing game.


Highway Madness

Dodge the traffic and Cops.


Nitrous Night Drag Race Online

Create your fantasy dream car and compete against others.


Crazy Taxi Driver

Do the drift and make stunts and jumps.


Ultra Speed: Crazy Motoboat

Real Motoboat Racing Simulation! Start the engine. Race for Honor!


Super Kart Racing

You'll love this perfect racing game. You want to have your own karting. Go now!


Parking Frenzy Tablet

Put your driving skills to test by playing exciting driving and parking game.


Mega Driver

Cruise through the city leading a 911 Rescue Team.


Mad Racer Car Racing Challenge

Find the right balance between power and grip while staying in your class.


Antz: Extreme Racing

Race to become the ants' champion.


ATV: Quad Power Racing

Race through the ultimate track.