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Read news from Indian aggregator of major news sites, international and independent media.
Latest News Suno is an intelligent news aggregator which collects reports from major news sites, as well as international and independent media. All sources are conveniently listed under each news summary and every source is tagged with its political leaning. If you are in a rush and have no time to read daily News, Latest News Suno grants you every day news updates in less than 60 seconds.
It's Time to Fix Broken News: In India news, 8 out of 10 reports are controlled by a powerful few. Unbiased & Real News Feed: Unbiased news with no political affiliation and different approach. We Give You All the Angles: Aggregators and websites have streamlined journalism, and the sad result is click bait, bias. Unbiased Factual Summaries: Unbiased Factual News Summaries in 100 Words. We give you all the Sources: All link sources in your news feed are arranged and carefully tagged with their domain. News in 60 seconds: Latest News Suno grants you every day news updates in less than 60 seconds. Give valuable opinion & insight: Share your knowledge and opinion or simply see another angle.
EthioTube 232 |
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