
Resin Stock Report About

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Resin Stock Report Specifications
Date added:
Feb. 9, 2019
Date released:
Feb. 9, 2019
Operating system:
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Additional Requirements

Resin Stock Report v1.0

Keep track of raw materials and resin stock on daily basis.

Resin Stock Report Screenshots

Resin Stock Report Editor's review

Keep track of raw materials and resin stock on daily basis. The data is sent to supervisor via SMS.

Section is divided into 4 categories:

1: Quantities of each resin made viz UF, PF and MR

2: How much raw materials used in making above resins

3: Raw materials left after making above resins

4: Stock of each resin left at the end of day.

On submit, SMS application is launch with prefilled data that operator filled. Operator has to feed the mobile number(s) of the concerned supervisor before submitting the report.

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