
LawyerAgile About

Editors' rating
LawyerAgile Specifications
Date added:
March 28, 2021
Date released:
June 28, 2020
Operating system:
Downloads last week:
Additional Requirements
Requires Android

LawyerAgile v4.4f

Portugus, English, Espaol, Italiano...

LawyerAgile Screenshots

LawyerAgile Editor's review

Portugus, English, Espaol, Italiano

The LawyerAgile app is a simple, but efficiente tool created specifically to help me in my lawyer needs. As several users liked it I am making it available globally to help other lawyers. With this app you can manage your clients, cases, hearings and make notes for all cases. You can also manage important deadlines and meetings.

There is a basic fee management, that I will improve later to become a more robust solution to allow users to manage the finances (exprenses and incomes).

There is no limitations in the app, you can create unlimitted clients, process etc (if your device memory can handle).


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