
Acapela TTS Voices About

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Acapela TTS Voices Specifications
Date added:
April 27, 2022
Date released:
Nov. 9, 2018
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Additional Requirements
Not available

Acapela TTS Voices v7.0.0.1

Warning. Since the latest Google applications update most of the Google applications (Google maps and Google now for example) don't care anymore...

Acapela TTS Voices Screenshots

Acapela TTS Voices Editor's review

******** Warning ********

Since the latest Google applications update most of the Google applications (Google maps and Google now for example) don't care anymore about the TTS settings and use only their own Google TTS voices.

So please note that for the moment we cannot guarantee compatibility for these applications as this is a unilateral decision from Google.

To keep using our voices in a Navigation GPS application we suggest to use the "Navigator" or Sygic application or any other Google Speech API compatible application.

******** Important Note ********

The application is free, so you can try all of our voices in an online mode, but then you need to buy at least one voice within the application to be able to use the voices (offline) with TTS compatible application (In-app Billing - EUR 3.99/voices et EUR 11.99/kids Premium voices)


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