
Bishop's Score Calculator About

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Bishop's Score Calculator Specifications
Date added:
Jan. 8, 2021
Date released:
Aug. 22, 2020
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Additional Requirements
Requires Android 4.0 and up

Bishop's Score Calculator v1.0.4

How close a woman is to the onset of spontaneous labour will influence the likelihood that induction of labour will be successful. This is...

Bishop's Score Calculator Screenshots

Bishop's Score Calculator Editor's review

How close a woman is to the onset of spontaneous labour will influence the likelihood that induction of labour will be successful. This is

assessed by vaginal examination and cervical status measured using the Bishops score.

Bishops score.

A group of measurements made at internal examination, used to determine whether the cervix is favourable or not. The score is based on the station, dilation, effacement (or length), position and consistency of the cervix.

A score of 8 or more generally indicates that the cervix is ripe.

Prior to induction of labour, the cervix should be favourable (Modified Bishop score 7 or more). If it is not, an attempt should be made to ripen the cervix.


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