The Muscular System Manual Specifications
Read detailed coverage of muscles with thousands of illustrations.
* Notes on Functions section explains each muscle's mover, antagonist, and stabilization functions to help you learn and retain content instead of just memorizing it. * Palpation boxes include numbered steps instructing how to palpate each muscle so you can apply this assessment skill in practice. * Expert author, Dr. Joseph E. Muscolino, shares his 24 years of experience as an educator to make this the most complete resource on musculoskeletal anatomy available. * Full-color anatomic illustrations drawn onto photos of the human body present muscles and bones in physical context to help students confidently identify musculoskeletal structures. * Content organized by functional group mirrors the way this material is most often taught, making this book more user friendly for the classroom. * Expanded coverage of muscles, including new content on eccentric and stabilization functions, myofascial meridians, pelvic floor muscles, and more make this the most Now with the addition of a convenient Home page, a sleeker and more intuitive visual layout, as well as innovations in the speed of searches you can delve right in faster and easier than ever.