
IELTS Collocations - meaning and example About

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IELTS Collocations - meaning and example Specifications
Date added:
May 13, 2021
Date released:
May 27, 2020
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Requires Android 4.4 and up

IELTS Collocations - meaning and example v1.1.01

Collocation is words that are used regularly with a specific word.

IELTS Collocations - meaning and example Screenshots

IELTS Collocations - meaning and example Editor's review

Collocation is words that are used regularly with a specific word.

This application is developed to help you learn common English collocation and how to use them in sentences.

Help you Improve your English knowledge, IELTS skills, TOEFL skills.

This English Collocation dictionary is very helpful for the education: TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC tests,...



- Usage sentences.

- Bookmark feature to mark and review collocations.

- Search feature to look up collocations of a word.


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