
Chemistry-2 UPSC About

Chemistry-2 UPSC Specifications
Date added:
Feb. 9, 2023
Date released:
Oct. 7, 2020
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Additional Requirements
Requires Android 4.1 and up

Chemistry-2 UPSC v1.0.0

Chemistry is one of the disciplines of science under which, we study about the various aspects of the matters i.e.

Chemistry-2 UPSC Screenshots

Chemistry-2 UPSC Editor's review

Chemistry is one of the disciplines of science under which, we study about the various aspects of the matters i.e. composition, properties, their reactions, and the use of such reactions to form new substances. In its given premises, Chemistry includes a wide range of topics such as organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, biochemistry, etc. Because of having wide range of topics, this tutorial is divided into two parts namely Chemistry Part 1 and Chemistry Part 2. Further, these two parts are divided into different chapters for an easy understanding.


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