Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists 1.0 > Links

AOMPT provides education and training to healthcare professionals in the field of Manual Therapy that includes but not limited to ArthroManual...

AOMPT provides education and training to healthcare professionals in the field of Manual Therapy that includes but not limited to ArthroManual Therapy- Maitland, Mulligan, Edward's, Cyriax, HVLA, McKenzie; MyoManual Therapy- Positional release, Myofascial Release, Muscle Energy and Motor Control Retraining techniques; NeuroManual Therapy- Neural Mobilization and Neurodynamics; Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, and ArthroMyoNeuroManual Therapy.

AOMPT is official scientific partner ...

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