
Chemistry Formula About

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Chemistry Formula Specifications
Date added:
Oct. 28, 2024
Date released:
Oct. 7, 2020
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Additional Requirements
Requires Android 4.1 and up

Chemistry Formula v1.5

Chemistry Formula is an app that is helpful to 11th and 12th-grade students of science stream, and Engineering/Medical student.

Chemistry Formula Screenshots

Chemistry Formula Editor's review

Chemistry Formula is an app that is helpful to 11th and 12th-grade students of science stream, and Engineering/Medical student. Students can have a quick reference to the important chemical formulas list during examination time.

Key features of the app include:

Chemistry Formula

Here it contains the name of the chemical formula and its description with the following data.

IUPAC Name | Other Name | Molar Mass | Appearance | Odour | Density | Melting Point | Boiling Point | Heat Capacity | Solubility

Gas Law

It contains gas law and a short description related to it.

Molecular Weight


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