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English Persian Dictionary About

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Date added:
April 14, 2016
Date released:
Nov. 1, 2011
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Additional Requirements
Android 1.6

English Persian Dictionary v4.0

Translate from phonetic Persian language to English language on your Android device.

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English Persian Dictionary Editor's review

FromBede Products:English Persian Dictionary for Android is an electronic software travel dictionary to translate English to Persian displaying a list of words in romanised (phonetic) Persian. The Persian English dictionary translates from phonetic Persian to English. Copying a word from the translated list for a reverse translation can be used to find synonyms and to understand the broader use of the Persian word in the English language. Although the English Persian dictionary for Android does not provide definitions or examples, the use of the translation software in this way provides you with a mechanism to better understand Persian words in the English context without the need for definitions.
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