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Bible Concordance - Strong's Concordance Specifications
Strong's Concordance app usually called as Strong's Bible concordance is a must have on your app if you desire to study the Word of God deeper...
Strong's Concordance app usually called as Strong's Bible concordance is a must have on your app if you desire to study the Word of God deeper and to help you search for specific words, terms or Bible verses. Written by James Strong, his exhaustive work on concordance of the Bible was first published in 1890 and up to these days, its use and popularity continues in the Bible world where the strong's concordance is seen as the number and most used of them all.
Strong's concordance primary purpose is to provide an index to the Bible allowing the readers to locate words in the Bible and where they appear. Strong's Bible concordance also helps student of God's Word to compare the meaning of the same words used in other passages.