
Glibrary-Library Management System About

Editors' rating
Glibrary-Library Management System Specifications
Date added:
July 16, 2021
Date released:
Dec. 13, 2019
Operating system:
Downloads last week:
Additional Requirements
Requires Android 4.4W and up

Glibrary-Library Management System v1.0.8

All In One Library Management Application For School, College And Other.

Glibrary-Library Management System Screenshots

Glibrary-Library Management System Editor's review

All In One Library Management Application For School, College And Other.

Easy, Strong and Affordable Library Automation System.

G-Library is User Friendly Software Which Make Your Job Easier.

Software Have Key Features Like :

1. Student/Member Managent

2. Multiple User Management

3. Staff Management

4. Book/Periodical Management

5. Book Issue/Return/Reissue Management

6. Barcode Reader

7. Rack Management

8. Department Management

9. SMS Master

10. Reports and Records.











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