CSI Book of Common Worship Specifications
The Church of South India Book of Common Worship...
The Church of South India Book of Common Worship
Published by the Church of South India
Authorized by the Synod of the Church of South India 2004
The Church of South India Book of Common Worship conserves
the rich liturgical heritage of the Church of South India, allowing
freedom and giving space to the congregations to own, internalise
and contextualise worship according to the needs of the particular
local congregation. The congregations that use the Church of South
India Book of Common Worship are at once set in the ambience of
the universal Church, and are exhorted to take their particular
Quran Majeed 580 |
JW Library 522 |
Psalms 261 |
iBreviary 261 |
Samuel Taylor Coleridge Poems 232 |
Hints For Summertime 2020 Saga 232 |
Holy Bible (NKJV) 232 |
Holy Bible (NIV) 232 |
RLCraft mod for MCPE 232 |
Text The Romance Back 203 |