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BlockStarPlanet Specifications
The best block-building app for creative friends.
The best block-building app for creative friends! Join our world and build your own multiplayer games or join the millions of funny games crafted by other players. Make a name for yourself and become one of the biggest stars on BlockStarPlanet.
- DREAM up a unique BlockStar to represent the unique you!
- CREATE awesome Worlds for you and your friends to play in!
- EXPLORE millions of wonderful creations made by other players!
- REMIX your own BlockStar and Worlds using parts shared by others!
- HANG OUT, chat, play multiplayer games with your friends - and make new friends!
Ass Hunter 377 |
Upin & Ipin KST Chapter 2 290 |
Avatar: The Burning Earth 232 |
Escape The Dark Side 232 |
ROBLOX 232 |
Super Mario Bros 203 |
Run TerRio Run 203 |
Monkey Beach Run 203 |
Somyeol Jump and Run 203 |
Hidden Objects - Ghost of Time 203 |