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Fologram Specifications
View and share Rhino and Grasshopper models instantly in mixed reality.
Use Fologram to view and share Rhino and Grasshopper models instantly in mixed reality. Geometry, layers and Grasshopper parameters can be edited in real time in Fologram to create powerful tools for design, communication, collaboration and fabrication. Fologram works on any PC or Mac running Rhino, no game engines, scripting or model exports are required.
To start using Fologram, download the Fologram for Rhino plugin from fologram.com/download then check out our Guides for project ideas and best practice. Head to our Forum at community.fologram.com for a huge collection of examples, tutorials and research and troubleshooting resources and a place to share your projects.
AutoCAD 360 203 |
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Fologram 203 |
GstarCAD MC (Mobile Client) 203 |
DWG FastView 203 |