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Weathernow Specifications
View Live Weather Data from weather stations located in Texas and New Mexico
Weathernow Live Weather is now available on your mobile device! The Live Weathernow network is broadcast during the weather segment from the KAMC HDTV Weather Lab in Lubbock, Texas. Many live weather sites are also located in areas served by Ron Roberts Weather forecasts broadcast on radio stations from North Texas west to New Mexico.The weather stations measure temperature, humidity, dew point, wind speed and direction, wind chill, heat index, rainfall, rainfall rate, barometric pressure and more options that are soon to be added! When you are mobile you can stay in touch with live weather changes which could impact your plans. To access wind chill and heat index values, simply touch the word, Temperature. To access dew point values, simply touch humidity. To see the one minute average wind gust and the highest wind gust since midnight, touch once, then twice on the word, Wind. To see the rainfall rate, touch once on the word, Rain. To see the barometric pressure change since midnight, touch the word, pressure.Content rating: Everyone
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