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Wotja X GP: Generative Suite - Music, MIDI, Melody Specifications
Love creating music?
Love creating music? Wotja X is a powerful creativity system - it's an all in one generative music composer, mixer, generator and player. Use it to create your own custom live ambient background music soundscapes, melodies, MIDI notes/events & more. No ads!
'Wotja X' is the new cross-platform version of 'Wotja'. It has the same generative music and synth/FX editing capabilities as 'Wotja' for iOS/macOS, including MIDI Output/Input, but is not quite yet feature equivalent to it (i.e. we have yet to add the Cut-Up text editing interface and some other bits/pieces), but it is now getting close.
You don't need to be a musician or expert to use Wotja. Anyone inquisitive can learn to master its power; see our video tutorials.
This version is locked in 'Free Mode' with various limitations (see Intermorphic website for details). For more capabilities purchase 'Wotja X 2018 AZ' [see Note 1].