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Choice Coach BETA Specifications
Choice Coach helps people and organizations make the best decisions.
Do you have a CORE decision to make? Is it complex? Does it involve a lot of money? Is it causing you to lose sleep? Is it outside your area of expertise? Could it affect your happiness, or change your life?For these important decisions, "trusting your gut" is often not enough! Research shows that when it comes to our ability to choose and our final choices, we're generally over-confident and usually clueless. Furthermore, most of our important decisions involve emotions and feelings, and they are subject to literally dozens of other human biases and errors!Based on research conducted in classrooms, boardrooms, and war rooms, ChoiceCoach guides you through a scientific, analytic approach to making your most important choices. By pairing and comparing all of your objectives and options, you can be assured that you have eliminated as many biases and errors as possible. Then, if you end up with a solution that conflicts with your gut, simply go back and tweak any decision factor to see what it would take to produce your gut choice, and then decide if it is really worth changing. Whether at home or at work, don't get caught off guard when you have to make a CORE choice. Use Choice Coach and make all of your CORE choices, SMART choices!Content rating: Everyone
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