
Millimeter - screen ruler app About

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Millimeter - screen ruler app Specifications
Date added:
Nov. 20, 2022
Date released:
Nov. 9, 2018
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Additional Requirements
Not available

Millimeter - screen ruler app v2.1.2

Millimeter is a simple free screen ruler app.

Millimeter - screen ruler app Screenshots

Millimeter - screen ruler app Editor's review

Millimeter is a simple free screen ruler app. You can measure small objects that fit device screen with this ruler. There are NO ADs in the app for best experience and real full screen measurements.

ANY DEVICE can be calibrated for accurate measurements in Calibration Mode, where common standard objects (coins, credit cards, etc) can be used as a reference.

You can also customize your app by purchasing extra features or modes.

What you can do in free version of the app:

- Calibrate Millimeter with custom or standard objects

- Ruler Mode for measure in metric and imperial units: mm and inch


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