MyCurrency is a free currency converter with live exchange rates for 180+ currencies including popular cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin & Ethereum).
MyCurrency is a free currency converter with live exchange rates for 180+ currencies including popular cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin & Ethereum). You can setup your personal currency list to see all the important currencies at first glance. All the worlds currencies in the palm of your hand!
Most important features:
Exchange rates for over 180 currencies
Interactive currency charts
Home screen widget
Automatic updates
Offline mode
Cryptocurrencies support
Calculator function
Converts ...
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This widget shows the exchange rate for a chosen currency pair.
Currency Exchange Rates in Papua New Guinea are the same as you will be able to see in the exchange rate of the Papua New Guineaian Franc against.
In App we can find out all of the, the price of the dollar today, the price of the dollar in the market against the Algeria, dollar prices...
All Currency Converter is a real-time currency exchange rates converter.
Shows and converts between Euro and other World currencies exactly according to exchange rates of ECB. Simple interface...
Calculate the typical currency exchange rates that are charged by the banks, credit card companies etc., using the currency converter.