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Search shops, Resturants, Doctors in your city. Explore your city at fingertips.
FromCityAPL:CityAPL is a most updated & accurate Local Search Engine Which provides detail of list of nearby hotels, restaurants, hospitals, Doctors, As well as list of shops like repairing shops, beauty parlors, cosmetic shops branded and local clothes shops, City malls, repairing shops, shops to hire 2 wheeler & 4 wheelers, party organisers, in a hassle free way, In a smarter way. CityAPL helps the user to explore cities. We provide details of nearby shops and places with their address, mobile number, location on map, rating, and reviews. In today's life, everyone has so busy schedule that they don't have even time to choose the most appropriate shop to buy something. due to which most of the time they get cheated or got the undesired product