
Saint Petersburg Bus Timetable About

Editors' rating
Saint Petersburg Bus Timetable Specifications
Date added:
Dec. 18, 2024
Date released:
Oct. 11, 2020
Operating system:
Downloads last week:
Additional Requirements
Requires Android 4.1 and up

Saint Petersburg Bus Timetable v1.325


Saint Petersburg Bus Timetable Screenshots

Saint Petersburg Bus Timetable Editor's review


Provide timetable for Saint Petersburg bus transportation

1. Nearby Stops

- Provid all nearby bus stops sorted by the distance from current location

- Click on a specific bus stop to display all bus routes via the stop

- Click on a specific route to further display all stop sequence and their estimated arrival times

- By clicking on a specific stop, you can further explore the stop nearby POI, such as food, restaurants, attractions and other store information.

2. Bus Routes Information

- Searching specific bus information by using route#, stop#, or partial stop name

- Provide frequently used bus route for quickly selection.


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