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USA Rest Stop Locator Specifications
Have you ever been driving and wondered where the nearest rest stop was? Well this app will help you easily find the nearest rest stop on the US...
Have you ever been driving and wondered where the nearest rest stop was? Well this app will help you easily find the nearest rest stop on the US Interstate system! You can browse by state and interstate or you can browse on a map. This app will show you the traditional rest areas along with welcome centers and service plazas on turnpikes.The list view will allow you to browse by state and then interstate. You'll see all of the rest stops in mile marker order. Pressing the "options" button on your phone will allow you to sort in descending order or see only north, south, east, or west bound rest stops. Selecting a specific rest stop will show you the details about it. The details include a small map on where it is located, the mile marker it is located at, the facilities available (such as restrooms, vending machines, etc), and possible hours of operation. If the state's Department of Transportation has a specific web page for the rest stop, we provide a link to it for easy access!By pressing the "options" button on your phone on the listing of states, you are able to select a "Map" view. This view will grab your current GPS location and show you all of the rest areas near you. The app will only show you rest stops that you can get to. For example, if you are traveling south, the map will not show you a north bound rest stop that is south of your current position. Pressing one of the rest stop icons will show you details about that particular location. Including how far the rest stop is from your current location. You can also move the map around to see all of the rest stops available. NOTE: Zooming out too far will not populate any rest stop icons to prevent the screen from getting too cluttered.We strive to make sure the information is as accurate as possible. If you find any errors or omissions, please feel free to let us know!Recent changes:- Fixed crash on certain phones when trying to browse states- Fixed crash on certain phones when initially starting app (database file not being copied properly)- Fixed Droid-X crash when viewing the mapsContent rating: Low Maturity